類似於 HB 的軟鉛筆,當您傾斜筆時更光滑,而在不傾斜時更硬。最適合素描和鉛筆藝術。希望你喜歡它! A soft pencil similar to the HB, is smoother when you tilt the pen and harder when it’s not tilted. Best for sketches and pencil art. Hope you like it!

類似於 HB 的軟鉛筆,當您傾斜筆時更光滑,而在不傾斜時更硬。最適合素描和鉛筆藝術。希望你喜歡它! A soft pencil similar to the HB, is smoother when you tilt the pen and harder when it’s not tilted. Best for sketches and pencil art. Hope you like it!