馴鹿鹿角(角)(Kohlkopf) (Caribou antlers (horns) (Kohlkopf)) Caribou antlers (horns) (Kohlkopf)


  • 92
  • 10 CLIPPY

一個基礎 3D 頭部加上兩個可單獨擺姿勢的馴鹿鹿角(或角),用作繪圖參考。


在設置中,您可以隱藏頭部,因此它僅顯示您更願意使用的任何基本主體的喇叭,例如Clip Studio的預設模型。
a base 3D head plus two separately poseable Caribou antlers (or horns) to use as a drawing reference.

It is very low-poly but should do the job (I don't want to explode your PC).

In the settings you are able to hide the head, so it only displays the horns with whatever base body you'd rather use, like the Clip Studio default models.

材料 Material

  • 預設材料 Default material

分配 Allocate

  • 默認佈局 Default layout


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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