衝擊姿態 (Impact stance) Impact stance


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  • 30 CLIPPY

這種姿勢可以稱為「強大的地面猛擊」或「衝擊姿勢」。它描繪了一個角色在強大的地面撞擊中,可能是在高速運動或戲劇性的入口之後。 This pose can be called the "Powerful Ground Slam" or "Impact Stance." It depicts a character in the midst of a powerful ground impact, likely after a high-speed movement or a dramatic entrance.


This pose can be called the "Powerful Ground Slam" or "Impact Stance." It depicts a character in the midst of a powerful ground impact, likely after a high-speed movement or a dramatic entrance.

The character's crouched position with one hand firmly planted on the ground and the other arm extended behind, combined with the dynamic lines and motion effects, conveys immense strength and speed. This pose is perfect for illustrating a moment of intense action where the character is landing or preparing to launch a powerful attack.


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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