無色 3D 杯 (3D CUP with no color) 3D CUP with no color


  • 6,935
  • 免費
此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 3.0.0以上版本的素材。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.3.0.0 )

帶有裝飾元素的3D杯子,沒有顏色。 3d cup with decorative elements and no color.

這是兩個獨立的元素,可以隱藏在物件清單中。您可以自由放置它們。使用校正層和顏色漸變來修復 3D 照明的條件。

Prise 不會改變,這套將永遠免費。 

Free bonus. This is version of cup with no texture. 
This is two separated elements, that can be hidden in object list. You can position them freely. Use correction layers and color gradations to fix contarst of 3d lighting.

Prise won't change and this set will be free forever. 

杯子 cup


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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