酒館臥室背景 (Tavern Bedroom Background) Tavern Bedroom Background


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這個背景包的特點是在酒館環境中有一個看起來很差的臥室。 This background package features a poor looking bedchamber in a tavern environment.



創作這個場景讓我探索了維多利亞時代世界的另一面——一個不那麼迷人但本身豐富的世界。對於那些發現了遊戲這個隱藏角落的人來說,我希望這件藝術品能帶回那種體驗的陰謀和微妙的親密感。對於其他人來說,它可能會激起您揭開 Teleny 所提供的所有秘密的好奇心。
This tavern bedchamber is an evocative background from my victorian romance simulation game, Teleny, depicting a modest and somewhat rustic sleeping space within a tavern. Unlike the more opulent settings in the game, this room exudes a simpler charm, reflecting the humble nature of its surroundings and I tried to give a contrast here to the less hidden and more conventionally beautiful surroundings of the main game.

The barrels and worn furniture hint at a life of modest means, far removed from the elegance seen in other parts of the game.
This bedchamber is part of a more hidden narrative path, associated with an erotic scene in Teleny, making it a rare find for players.

Creating this scene allowed me to explore a different aspect of the victorian world—one that is less glamorous but rich in its own right. For those who have discovered this hidden corner of the game, I hope this artwork brings back the intrigue and subtle intimacy of that experience. And for others, may it pique your curiosity to uncover all the secrets Teleny has to offer.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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Just some weird german biologist and animal keeper with a hobby to paint fantasy-stuff. If you are interested in my art, please feel free to visit me at: https://www.deviantart.com/juliamersmann Or read my comics on: https://tapas.io/Jule_Illustration