ワタカラー水彩ブラシ ·Watakara 水彩畫筆 (ワタカラー水彩ブラシ · Watakara Watercolour Brush) ワタカラー水彩ブラシ · Watakara Watercolour Brush


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縮圖完全是用Watakara水彩畫筆繪製的。文本是在Mochiy Pop One 字體上追蹤的。
This is my first brush, so expect some issues. You can adjust the settings to your liking.

The thumbnail was drawn entirely with the Watakara Watercolour Brush. The text was traced over the Mochiy Pop One font.


Use this however you want.


公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

Heartelle 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi! I'm Heartelle <3 I like to make a lot of art, and occasionally I might share some stuff I made for myself. Have a good day!