柔軟蓬鬆的包裝 (Soft and Fluffy Pack) Soft and Fluffy Pack


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這包括兩個真正的兔毛紋理和一個刷子! 紋理不是無縫的,但如果您在包裝隨附的刷子後面使用它,接縫很容易混合!


Hello! I made a small pack for you all.

This consists of two real rabbit fur textures and a brush! The textures are not seamless but the seam is easy as heck to blend if you use it behind the brush that comes with the pack!

The fur are my photos from some rabbit pelts I own and have in my natural science education collection.

I hope you enjoy!

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

Atomicanine 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Retro Artist. Nervous Nelly. A little too obsessed with my weird little dog.