精緻的復古木製書桌,配有可移動抽屜。 Detailed vintage wooden desk with movable drawers.

在 Blender 上建模並導入到 Clip Studio Modeler 中。

要移動抽屜:選擇要移動的抽屜 - 它必須變為紅色 - 只需按兩下它,或者按兩下模型下方的扳手圖示以打開子工具詳細資訊視窗,該視窗包含場景中的物件清單。然後點擊正確軸上的箭頭(不是立方體!),然後拖動它到你想要的遠。


Gorgeous vintage desk with drawers you can open and close!

Modeled on Blender and imported into Clip Studio Modeler.
This is my first ever 3D model, yay!Hope you all like it :)

To move the drawers: select the one you want to move - it has to turn red - either by simply clicking on it, or by clicking the wrench icon below the model to open the sub tool detail window, which has a list of the objects in the scene. Then click on the arrow (not the cube!) in the correct axis and drag it however far you want.

If the drawers are not moving correctly, click on the wrench icon, go to <Operation> and check if <Movement Axis> and <Rotation Axis> are set to <Object Axis>

This was fun to make so maybe I'll do more in the future (perhaps a chair to go with this desk :)
材料 Material
預設材料 Default material
分配 Allocate
默認佈局 Default layout