Mel 發刷 (Mel Hair Brushes) Mel Hair Brushes


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27 種不同的雙色發刷。 27 different two-toned hair brushes.

我製作了 27 種不同的刷子來做頭髮。其中一些用於濃密的頭髮,有些用於小縷、劉海、嬰兒頭髮,甚至捲髮。我把它們做成兩種顏色,因為頭髮從來都不只是一種顏色。您可以使用一兩個陰影的顏色作為背景顏色,或者您可以為您的角色提供狂野的高光或低光。我快速畫了一幅畫,並用每個刷子畫了這個角色上頭髮的一部分。 

I've made 27 different brushes for making hair. Some of them are for dense, thick hair, some are for little wisps, bangs, baby hair, or even curls. I made them two-toned, as hair is never just one color. You can use a color just a shade or two away for your background color, or you can give your character wild highlights or low-lights. I made a quick drawing and used each of the brushes for some part of the hair on this character. 



公開日期 : 2 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

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Author, Editor, Artist, Illustrator