AI 干擾 (AI Disturbance) AI Disturbance


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AI 干擾疊加,因此 AI 不會在未經許可的情況下上傳您的工作以供學習。 AI disturbance overlay so AI doesn't upload your work for study without permission.


這是一件帶有干擾的*原始*藝術作品。您必須將濾鏡設置為 10-15 的不透明度,以防止它看起來很奇怪。



Here is a piece of *original* art with the disturbance. You have to set the filter to 10-15 opacity to prevent it from looking strange.

That being said, do not let AI make you believe that you won't get anywhere with your art. It may be able to replicate art styles, but it cannot recreate human creativity and imagination. It cannot replicate the hard work and dedication you put into your work. You got this. <3



公開日期 : 2 days ago

更新日期 : 2 days ago

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I'm a big nerd with even bigger dreams.