油畫基礎知識 (Oil Paint Basics) Oil Paint Basics


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一套基本的油畫顏料顏色,適合那些想要使用非常有限的調色板並混合自己的顏色以使他們的油畫看起來更加逼真的人。 A basic set of oil paint colours, for those who want to work with a very limited palette and mix their own colours to make their oil paintings look even more realistic.


您可以使用此套裝混合許多不同的顏色(見下文> 我承認,用這個套裝很難獲得膚色,這就是為什麼我還要創建一個擴展版本的套裝,其中包括專門用於混合膚色的顏色。

I've added a purple-ish pink to the set, even though none of the real basic sets of oil paints I looked at had that. I just think that it's not really easy to mix a nice purple - it often looks muddy.

You can mix a lot of different colours using this set (see below)> I will admit that getting skin tones is hard with this one, which is why I'm also going to create an extended version of the set that includes colours used specifically for mixing skin colours.


公開日期 : 2 days ago

更新日期 : 2 days ago

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