適用於小螢幕的 EZ UI (EZ UI for Small Screens) EZ UI for Small Screens


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此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver. 3.0.0以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.3.0.0 )
此素材不適用於智慧型手機版CLIP STUDIO PAINT・平板電腦版CLIP STUDIO PAINT的[簡約模式]。

我的小螢幕工作空間使我的基本工具觸手可及,同時也為我提供了最大的屏幕空間。 My workspace for small screens which keeps my essential tools within easy reach while also giving me maximum screen real-estate.

  • 在 iPad 和 Windows 上的 CSPv3 Pro 中製作和測試,並且在兩個平臺上的工作方式相同(因為我討厭不斷更改 UI)
  • 所有功能表都按類型排列到彈出選項卡中。從那裡開始,某些具有相似用法但不經常同時需要的工具被組合在一起,放在我更經常使用的工具後面(例如,“顏色集”和“顏色歷史記錄”功能表堆疊在一起)
  • 可能更適合右撇子使用者(我是右撇子,不知道有哪個左撇子可以為我測試)
  • 專為橫向景觀而設計。人像非常壓扁,兩側標籤同時彈出
  • 可用的工具盡可能少。許多更高級的功能仍然隱藏在功能表中,以避免混亂。這沒有任何特定於動畫的功能表。由於這不使用快速訪問欄,因此啟用它是一種簡單的方法,可以添加您使用的更多工具,同時仍保持螢幕空間大部分暢通。
  • 僅限手機/平板電腦 - 如果您使用 TEXT 工具進行大量工作,您可能需要重新排列畫筆大小和子工具選項卡的順序,因為螢幕上的鍵盤彈出視窗會干擾存取字體設置。

  • Made and tested in CSPv3 Pro on both iPad and Windows and works identically on both platforms (because I hate changing UI constantly)
  • All menus are arranged into pop-out tabs by type. From there, certain tools with similar usage that are not frequently needed simultaneously are grouped together behind the ones I use more often (ex. Color Set and Color History menus are stacked together)
  • May be better for right handed users (I'm right handed and don't know any lefties who can test it for me)
  • Made for landscape view. Portrait is very squished with both side tabs popped-out at the same time
  • The available tools are as minimal as possible. A lot of more advanced functions are still hidden in menus to avoid clutter. This does NOT have any animation-specific menus. As this does not use the Quick Access bar, enabling that is an easy way to add more tools you use while still keeping screen space mostly clear.
  • Mobile/Tablet Only--If you do a lot of work with the TEXT tool, you may want to re-arrange the order of the brush size and subtools tab as the on-screen keyboard pop-up interferes with accessing font settings.


公開日期 : 3 months ago

更新日期 : 3 months ago

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