15 英尺以下 (15 Feet Down) 15 Feet Down


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Aloha to the other divers out there who spend too much time hanging around 15 feet below the surface and counting air bubbles and playing rock paper scissors to pass the time.

I've included my attempt of some deep sea ocean optics of what the water and light play (and bubbles) look from below.

I included as a template so hope you get some fun out of it.

Happy Diving!


公開日期 : 4 days ago

更新日期 : 4 days ago

JingerArt 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Howdy! An adventurous soul, closet nerd with a penchant for manga, anime, and cosplay. Im an avid reader of everything! Complex paranormal, mystery, action, bad@ FLs, and hot art. Im excited to share my passion for storytelling and attempts at art. Say hi!