有趣 (Interesting) Interesting


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思考、觀察、閱讀,或者你們能想到的任何其他東西來使用它,哈哈。 Thinking, observing, reading, or whatever else you guys can think of to use this for lol.

選擇模型后,通過進入操作工具將姿勢應用於模型。轉到「姿勢」部分,然後選擇「使用 3D 姿勢材質」(剪貼板圖示)。
Apply the pose to the model by going into the Operations tool after selecting the model. Go to the Pose section and select Use 3D Pose Material (clipboard icon).


公開日期 : 9 days ago

更新日期 : 9 days ago

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