重疊出雛器 (Overlap Hatchers) Overlap Hatchers


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假孵化帶來樂趣和效果。 Fake hatching for fun and effect.

這些是一堆 2 種顏色的陰影畫筆和有趣的形狀,你可以用它來孵化你的作品。  它們可用於裝飾、添加資訊/興趣和紋理。  它們可以在黑白藝術品中工作,也可以在顏色中工作,並且可以改變顏色。  

這套設備非常適合[編輯]功能表中的“將亮度轉換為不透明度”功能。  像這樣:

它可以用來假裝它是由許多筆觸而不是畫筆組成的,或者它可以用於其他圖像。  或者它可以用作普通的剖面組。  隨意嘗試!


These are a bunch of 2 color hatching brushes & fun shapes that you can use to hatch your pieces.  They can be used for decoration, adding information/interest, & texturing.  They can work in black & white artworks as well as color, & can change color.  

This set works great with the "Convert Brightness into Opacity" function located in the [Edit] menu.  Like so:

It can be used to pretend that it was made out of many strokes instead of a brush, or it can be used over other images.  Or it can be used as a normal hatching set.  Feel free to experiment!

Example of most of the brushes below:

Thanks for having a look, happy hatching!

艙口艙口 hatch hatch


公開日期 : 11 days ago

更新日期 : 11 days ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D