32 幀尺規 (32 Frame Rulers) 32 Frame Rulers


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使用這些範本建立您自己的框架! Create your own frame with these templates!

我正在考慮畫框架,但我意識到:每個人都有不同的藝術風格。  很難畫出與每個人的風格融為一體的框架,所以我隨後想:“嘿,為什麼不使用'從向量圖層線製作尺規'功能呢?  

我現在向你展示一堆用於簡單框架的尺子!  這樣,您可以使用自己喜歡的畫筆快速繪製自己的框架。  像這樣:





我包括一些邊框筆,以便於使用。  隨意使用您最喜歡的畫筆作為您自己的邊框。  你甚至可以用尺子畫你的框架,然後刪除尺規,並將框架註冊為自己的實體材質。:)

I was thinking about drawing frames, but I realized: everyone has a different art style.  It would be hard to draw frames that blend in with everyone's style, so I then thought "Hey, why not use the 'Make ruler from vector layer lines' function?"  

I now present to you a bunch of rulers for simple frames!  This way, you can quickly draw your own frame with your own preferred brushes.  Like so:

The purple is the original ruler, the black are a variety of brushes I've made used on it.  

You can also get fancy with decoration & border brushes, like so:

Since Rulers are objects, you can resize them without losing fidelity. You can manipulate them or even combine them with each other.

All the rulers below:

I included a few border pens for simple use.  Feel free to use your favorite brushes for your own borders.  You can even draw your Frame with the ruler, then delete the ruler & register the frame as a solid material for yourself. :)

Thanks for having a look, you guys have a nice day if you can. :D

統治者 Rulers

具有額外對稱性的尺規 Rulers with bonus Symmetry



公開日期 : 16 days ago

更新日期 : 16 days ago

saturns_day 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D