Heart Frame 戒指刷印章套裝 (Heart Frame Ring Brush Stamp Set) Heart Frame Ring Brush Stamp Set


  • 225
  • 300 CLIPPY

我在 Clip Studio Paint Pro 中繪製的圖圖圖元材,然後製作成畫筆。
套裝包括: 2 個環形刷:1 個全環,1 個部分環,可戴在手指上。
兩個畫筆都設置為預設 400 畫筆大小、100 不透明度、正常混合模式和正確的速度輸入。
Material to use in any way you like.
Can be used as a Brushes and Stamps.
Material prices are subject to change without notice.
Image Material I drew in Clip Studio Paint Pro then made into brushes.
Set Includes: 2 Ring Brushes: 1 full ring, 1 partial ring to place on fingers.
Both brushes are set with a default of 400 Brush Size,100 Opacity, Normal Blending Mode, and Correct Velocity Input.

Heart Frame 戒指刷印章套裝

我在 Clip Studio Paint Pro(64 位)版本 3.0.0 202403081422中繪製的圖圖元材,然後製作成畫筆。

戒指展示藝術僅用於範例 - 不包括在此集合中,但可按以下方式提供:
面部藝術 - 在我之前上傳的面部包 1 (面部 9) 內容 ID 1891175中可用
Voodoo Doll -- 在我之前上傳的 VooDoo Doll 1 Content ID 1876136 中可用

尺寸 1500 – 每支刷 1 枚
尺寸 800 – 每支畫筆 1 枚,然後每支畫筆 1 行
尺寸 400 – 每個刷子 1 個印章,然後每個刷子 1 行



Heart Frame Ring Brush Stamp Set

Image Material I drew in Clip Studio Paint Pro (64 bit) Version 3.0.0 202403081422, then made into brushes.

Ring display art used for examples only -- not included in this set but are available as listed below:
Face Art – available in my previous upload Face Pack 1 (Face 9) Content ID 1891175
Voodoo Doll -- available in my previous upload VooDoo Doll 1 Content ID 1876136

Size 1500 – 1 Stamp Each Brush
Size 800 – 1 Stamp Each Brush, then 1 Row Each Brush
Size 400 – 1 Stamp Each Brush, then 1 Row Each Brush

Example of Use:
Full Ring
A: Ring Stamped
B: Image added layer behind the Ring Layer
C: Erasing Excess Image
D: Layers Merged for Finished Ring

Ring on Finger
A: Ring Stamped
B: Color Fill added layer behind the Ring Layer
C: PNG Image added and Layers Merged

Feel free to use in any way you like.



公開日期 : 3 months ago

更新日期 : 3 months ago

CelticFrog 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm a Clip Studio enthusiast living in the Texas Panhandle of the U.S.A. I have drawn and painted most of my life and taken photographs for many years. Thanks for downloading and Liking my material- It is nice to know my work is appreciated.