TSALT Pride Party 格子包 (TSALT Pride Party Plaid Pack) TSALT Pride Party Plaid Pack


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我另一個驕傲包的續集!包含更多受驕傲旗幟啟發的圖案。在這個包中,它們都是格子或格子呢。 A sequel to my other pride pack! Contains even MORE patterns inspired by pride flags. All of them are plaids or tartans in this pack.

所有 20 種格子都是單獨設計的(不同格子之間的相似之處是巧合)。所有都使用了 20 種不同驕傲旗幟的配色方案來慶祝驕傲月!!(呜呜!!)

我可能錯誤地將一些圖案標記為格子呢,而實際上它們在技術上只是格子,因為我不是 100% 確定其中的區別。無論如何,請享受這個包!:D
All 20 plaids were designed individually (similarities between the different plaids are coincidence). All using the colour schemes of 20 different pride flags in celebration of pride month!!! (woo!!!)

I may have mislabeled a few patterns as tartans when in reality they are technically just plaids because I'm not 100% sure on the difference. Regardless, please enjoy this pack! :D

驕傲格子 Pride Plaids


公開日期 : 23 days ago

更新日期 : 23 days ago

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Canadian Artist | 21 | Self-Taught |


