查爾斯頓舞蹈動畫姿勢 (Charleston Dancing Animation Poses) Charleston Dancing Animation Poses


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這是一個包含 12 個姿勢的集合,試圖展示某人以基於查爾斯頓舞蹈的方式跳舞。 This is a collection of 12 poses attempting to show someone dancing in a way that is based on the Charleston dance.

這些姿勢可以應用於 3D 模型以用作參考或創建動畫。下面是所有 12 個姿勢,從左到右,下面是使用這些姿勢製作的動畫示例。 


The poses can be applied to a 3D model to be used as reference or create an animation. Below is all 12 poses in order from left to right, further below is an example of an animation made using these poses. 

When making an animation the posed model may need to be rotated so that the head is facing the same direction. The model can also be moved forwards after each step and then moved backwards after each back step to create a walking movement.

查爾斯頓跳舞姿勢 Charleston Dancing Poses


公開日期 : 25 days ago

更新日期 : 25 days ago

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