Mahou 暖粉色髮盤 (Mahou Warm Pink Hair Palette) Mahou Warm Pink Hair Palette


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暖粉色可愛調色板 a warm pink cute color palette

Mahou 暖粉色髮色板

嗨!!這是一個溫暖可愛的調色板,靈感來自 mahou shoujo 角色

在這裡,您可以找到頭髮底部、陰影和更遠部分的顏色。 或者它也可以用於皮膚、物體或任何您喜歡的想像力 ♡♡

♡ 請隨時使用它,希望它對您的藝術有所説明! 

Mahou Warm Pink Hair Color Palette

Hi!!! this is a warm cute color palette inspired by mahou shoujo characters!

here you will find colors for the base of the hair, shadows and more distant parts. or it can also be used on skins, objects or whatever your imagination prefers ♡♡

♡ please feel free to use it, I hope it helps you with your art! 


公開日期 : 30 days ago

更新日期 : 30 days ago

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