簡化工作空間,適用於小型 RES! (simplified workspace for small res!) simplified workspace for small res!
超級基本的佈局,適合那些已經從更簡單的軟體遷移過來並且還不覺得需要學習複雜東西的人 Super basic layout for those who has moved from simpler software and don't really feel the need to learn about complex stuff just yet
工作區 16:9(任務欄裁剪):
4:3 上的工作區(任務欄裁剪):
It works best when you have already memorized the shortcuts of your CSP, since a lot of windows has been hid, or turned into pop ups (only the ones that are less essential) in order to save spaces for the canvas itself
Created for right handed users and square monitors!
Workspace on 16:9 (taskbar cropped):
Workspace on 4:3 (taskbar cropped):