墓地裡的幽靈 (Ghost in a Graveyard) Ghost in a Graveyard


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這個幽靈般的墓地調色板喚起了一種陰森的氛圍,朦朧的灰色和令人難以忘懷的白色,讓人聯想到幽靈的幽靈。深邃、陰暗的黑色和午夜藍色反映了夜晚的黑暗,而柔和的苔蘚綠和冰冷的石灰色則捕捉了古老、飽經風霜的墓碑的精髓。柔和、空靈的薰衣草色和褪色的月光銀色增添了一絲超凡脫俗的光芒,營造出令人毛骨悚然而迷人的光譜美學。 This ghostly graveyard palette evokes an eerie ambiance with misty grays and haunting whites, reminiscent of spectral apparitions. Deep, shadowy blacks and midnight blues mirror the darkness of the night, while muted moss greens and cold stone grays capture the essence of ancient, weathered tombstones. Soft, ethereal lavenders and faded moonlit silvers add a touch of otherworldly glow, creating a chilling yet enchanting spectral aesthetic.


公開日期 : 15 days ago

更新日期 : 15 days ago

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A fleshy haunted house of cartoon curiosities. My insides are very Halloween-y