大米爾克包 (The Big Milq Pack) The Big Milq Pack


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一套旨在匹配 Milq Liner 的刷子。它們被製作成在相當小的畫布(約 1800 像素)上使用。

A set of brushes intended to match the Milq Liner. They were made to be used on a rather small canvas (about 1800px).

I recommend using the braid and knit brushes on a vector layer so you can change the line size without everything going blurry!

27/05/2024: 添加了一個新的畫筆,可以為您的花哨邊框繪製雙線!

27/05/2024: Added a new brush that draws a double line for your fancy borders!

線條畫筆 Lineart Brush

毛皮 Fur

辮子 Braids

輔料 Accessoires

針織 Knit

紋理 Textures


公開日期 : 4 months ago

更新日期 : 3 months ago

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Hiya, I'm Milkat and I love girls