方便!卡通手印刷 (Handy! Cartoon Handprint Brushes) Handy! Cartoon Handprint Brushes


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此素材集包含適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINTVer.1.10.10以上版本的素材。 ( 下載最新版本 )

四種畫筆樣式的卡通手印。 Cartoon handprints in four brush styles.


Add cartoon hand prints to your decor, in four styles. Cartoon has an outline in the foreground color and a fill in the background color, and is set to color jitter by default. Blended has an outline in the foreground color, but fills in various stages of blending between the two colors. Solid is simply one color with no outline. Two-tone alternates between solid versions of the foreground and background colors.



公開日期 : 12 days ago

更新日期 : 12 days ago

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