平板電腦手寫筆 (Tablet Stylus Pen) Tablet Stylus Pen


  • 401

我為CSP市場提供的第一個3D資產!這是一個非常簡單的數位板筆模型,靈感來自我的 Cintiq 手寫筆。它應該有 2 種材質,但在我設置資產時它只顯示為黑色。希望它在CSP本身中工作正常。

由我在 Blender 中快速建模。

My first 3d asset for the CSP market! This is a very simple model of a tablet pen inspired by my Cintiq stylus. It's supposed to have 2 materials but it was only showing up as black when I was setting up the asset. Hopefully it works okay in CSP itself.

Quickly modeled by me in Blender.

Credit not necessary but super appreciated :)

材料 Material

  • 筆材質 pen material

分配 Allocate

  • 默認佈局 Default layout

角度 Angle

  • 角度 1 Angle 1
  • 角度 2 angle 2


公開日期 : 13 days ago

更新日期 : 13 days ago

opalescenteel 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

I'm a queer freelance artist in the PNW! I love hoarding more art materials & assets than I'll ever realistically use.