塗裝&混合 (Paint&Blend) Paint&Blend


  • 481
  • 20 CLIPPY
此素材適用於CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2以上的版本。 ( 取得CLIP STUDIO PAINT Ver.2 )

用於線條藝術和混合的畫筆。 Brush for line art and blending.










5) 使用 在添加(發光)模式下設置的新層次添加高光。 


(If you decide to download the brush, i would appreciate if you could click the LIKE button !!! Thank you in advance !) 

Hello ! 

I wanted to create a good round brush that can do the job well. I have a particular loose and sketchy style . However, i fully believe this brush can be used for detailed work as well. So please give it a go !!! 

The brush is good mainly for a rendered/painting type of drawing . 

Here's some examples of how i used it. 

1) Sketch everything nicely but loosely.

2) Add base colours. Just try to get the colours as cleanly as possible. 

3) Add shadows with another layer and use the multiply mode. 

4) Put everything into a folder. Then duplicate the folder. Right click and merge the selected layers. After that , use the brush to blend everything nicely together. I use alot of colour picking when i do this. As you can see below , i modify the shadows as i see fit , to match with what i have in mind. 

5) Add highlights using  a new layer set on Add (Glow) mode. 

And it's done ! 


公開日期 : 10 months ago

更新日期 : 10 months ago

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