YYR 垂直線條效果畫筆 (YYR Vertical Line Effect Brushes) YYR Vertical Line Effect Brushes


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漫畫, 網路漫畫, 幻想, 浪漫, 背景, 配件, 粒子, 效果, 裝飾, 裝飾, 大氣層, 閃光, 心情, 快樂, 愛, 火花, 閃耀, 點亮, 美麗
Manga, 網络manga, illusion, romantic, background, arrangement, 顆grain, 效果, decoration, decoration, 氣氛, 閃光, heart, 快樂, 愛情, spark, 閃耀, dot liang, 美麗
卡通片, 網路漫畫, 幻想, 浪漫, 背景, 配件, 粒子, 效果, 裝飾, 裝飾, 大氣層, 閃光, 心情, 快樂, 愛, 火花, 發光, 點亮, 美麗
만화, 웹툰, 판타지, 로맨스, 배경, 액세서리, 입자, 효과, 데코, 장식, 분위기, 반짝임, 기분, 행복, 사랑, 불꽃, 광택, 조명, 아름다운
comic, webtoon, fantasy, romance, background, accessories, particle, effect, deco, decoration, atmosphere, glitter, mood, happy, love, sparks, shine, lit, beautiful
漫画, ウェブトゥーン, ファンタジー, ロマンス, バックグラウンド, アクセサリー, 粒子, 効果, デコ, 装飾, 雰囲気, キラキラ, 気分, ハッピー, 愛, 火花, 輝く, 点灯した, 綺麗な
만화, 웹툰, 판타지, 로맨스, 배경, 액세서리, 입자, 효과, 데코, 장식, 분위기, 반짝임, 기분, 행복, 사랑, 불꽃, 광택, 조명, 아름다운

- 網路漫畫配件/背景
- 全彩漫畫配件/背景
- 黑白漫畫配件/背景
- 漫畫、漫畫、漫畫、西方漫畫配件/背景
- 插畫配件/背景





It's a set of vertical line effect brushes you can use for:
- Webtoon accessories/background
- Full color comic accessories/background
- Black and white comic accessories/background
- Manga, manhwa, manhua, western comic accessories/background
- Illustration accessories/background

The set consists of 3 brushes.

Important notes:
* Colors are adjustable.

Twitter @yahyeruassets

Presentation Images:

YYR 垂直線條效果畫筆 YYR Vertical Line Effect Brushes


公開日期 : 24 days ago

更新日期 : 16 days ago

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I make 3D & 2D assets to help you create faster. Let's support each other. Thank you. :) Twitter: @yahyeruassets