甜蜜的日落 (Sweet Sunsets) Sweet Sunsets


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“甜蜜的日落”是一個令人著迷的調色板,靈感來自暮色天空的寧靜之美和夕陽的溫暖色調。這個迷人的調色板將柔和的粉彩和充滿活力的色調和諧地融合在一起,讓人聯想到太陽落到地平線以下的寧靜時刻,在景觀中投下金色的光芒。 "Sweet Sunsets" is a mesmerizing color palette inspired by the serene beauty of twilight skies and the warm hues of setting suns. This enchanting palette features a harmonious blend of soft pastels and vibrant shades reminiscent of the tranquil moments when the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the landscape.


公開日期 : 1 month ago

更新日期 : 1 month ago

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