完美無暇的母親姿勢 (Immaculate Mother Pose) Immaculate Mother Pose


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根據雕塑家法比施(Fabisch)的盧爾德聖母(Our Lady of Lourdes)的傳統表現而製作的姿勢。因為我需要在這座雕像之後畫一些東西,所以我做了這個姿勢。對雕像、圖示或任何你想要的東西都有好處。
A pose made after the traditional representation of Our Lady of Lourdes by sculptor Fabisch. Because I needed to draw something after this statue, I made this pose. Will be good for statues, icons or anything you want.
I hope it will be useful for someone, enjoy !


公開日期 : 6 months ago

更新日期 : 6 months ago

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