2 色發筆 (2-Tone Hair Pen) 2-Tone Hair Pen


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畫兩種顏色頭髮的筆! A pen for drawing hair with two colours!

這支發筆 在筆觸 的 一側 使用 主色 ,在另一側使用 子色
我認為這兩種色調可能有助於理解頭髮的形狀,或者它可能有助於添加細節,這樣你就不需要自己給它們上色 了。
像卷髮筆一樣,我認為 它在繪製擺動的波浪 線時效果最好。
3 種類型
  • A 是單鏈。
  • B 是一條單鏈  ,裡面有額外的線。
  • C 有三股和額外的線。
  • 您可以 嘗試在繪圖時旋轉 畫布,以捕捉筆的不同角度。這可能有助於為您的筆劃提供更多變化。
  • 您可以使用圖層 「邊框效果」來創建輪廓。
  • 用普通筆添加單根雜亂的頭髮,使頭髮整體看起來更自然。

This hair pen uses the main colour on one side of a stroke and the sub colour on the other side.
I thought having these two tones might help understand the shape of the hair, or it might help add details so you don't need to colour them in yourself.
Like the Curly Hair Pen, I think it works best when drawing wiggly, wavy lines.
There are 3 types:
  • A is a single strand.
  • B is a single strand with extra lines within it.
  • C has three strands and extra lines.
Some tips when drawing:
  • You can try rotating the canvas while you draw, in order to capture different angles of the pen. This may help give more variety to your strokes.
  • You can use the layer 'border effect' to create an outline.
  • Add single, stray hairs with a normal pen to make the hair look more natural overall.
I hope some people find this useful!


2 色頭髮 2-Tone Hair


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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