肥皂泡刷(免費) (Soap Bubble Brushes (For Free)) Soap Bubble Brushes (For Free)


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  • 免費

3 混合刷 3 Mixed Brushes


我非常喜歡  肥皂泡!!我希望你像我 一樣喜歡畫筆 xD

刷子 可用於:

  • 洗澡
  • 夢想
  • 肥皂泡機
  • 孩子們在玩耍
  • ...

套裝包括 3個帶有預著色圖像的畫筆。

  1. 您無法直接在畫筆/工具中更改顏色。
  2. 您需要對最終插圖進行後期處理以獲得另一種顏色或更多的發光效果,...
  3. 畫筆中圖像的 DPI: 72 dpi
  4. 背景 和示例不包括 在套裝中。



I absolutly love soap bubbles!!! I hope you enjoy the brushes as I do xD

Brushes could be used for:

  • taking bath
  • dreams
  • soap bubble machine
  • children are playing
  • ...

Set includes 3 brushes with precolored images.

  1. You are not able to change the color directly in the brush/tool.
  2. You need to postprocess your final illustration for another color or more glow, effects,...
  3. DPI of the images in brushes: 72 dpi
  4. Background and Example(s) are not included in the set.

Brushes in use:

Thank you for downloading my materials. Have fun :D
It would be a pleasure for me to have the use of my material in your art work!



更新:在描述中包含一個動畫 GIF,以演示畫筆的可能用法作為範例。 Update: Includes an animated GIF in description to demonstrating the possible usage of the brush as an example.


公開日期 : 8 months ago

更新日期 : 2 months ago

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Heyy I'm iomee and I love to create materials for you. I would be very happy to see my materials in your art <3