天空的低語 (Whispers of the Sky) Whispers of the Sky


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  • 10 CLIPPY

這幅畫捕捉了雲朵難以捉摸的本質,光與影交織成永恆的芭蕾舞,在天空中投下迷人的光環。 The painting captures the elusive essence of clouds, where light and shadow engage in an eternal ballet, casting a spellbinding aura across the sky.

在 Clip Studio Paint 中利用圖層模式的強大功能的技巧照亮了這幅圖稿。探索“Multiply”如何為雲朵注入深度,“Overlay”如何讓雲朵沐浴在天光中,“Soft Light”如何溫和地混合色調,營造出迷人的氛圍。見證變革性的魔力,「螢幕」突出了夕陽在滾滾雲層上的光芒,而“添加(發光)”則為藝術品注入了超凡脫俗的光芒。

Tips for harnessing the power of layer modes in Clip Studio Paint illuminate this artwork. Discover how 'Multiply' imbues clouds with depth, 'Overlay' bathes them in celestial light, and 'Soft Light' gently blends hues to create an enchanting atmosphere. Witness the transformative magic as 'Screen' accentuates the glow of a setting sun upon billowing clouds, and 'Add (Glow)' infuses an otherworldly radiance into the artwork.

These images offer a breathtaking glimpse into the ever-changing canvas of the sky, showcasing its infinite beauty and dynamic character.

類別1 Category 1


公開日期 : 7 months ago

更新日期 : 7 months ago

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