簡約細鏈刷 (Simple thin chain brush) Simple thin chain brush


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簡單的細鏈刷。行程越快,鏈條越細,使其看起來好像在扭曲。 Simple thin chain brush. The faster the stroke, the thinner the chain, making it appear as though it is twisting.


它受速度的影響。 你可以得到一個更細的鏈條,行程更快,這意味著你可以讓它看起來好像在扭曲。 


Doesn't work too well with sharp angles, but its great for chains mid-air and around someone's neck.

It's affected by velocity. You can get a thinner chain with a faster stroke, meaning you can have it appear as though its twisting.

(latest update adds a jump ring between each chain link and velocity)



公開日期 : 9 months ago

更新日期 : 9 months ago

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