擠壓大腿姿勢 (Thigh squeeze poses) Thigh squeeze poses


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Chokehold with thighs poses.


我 作品中的原創角色“我相信我是漫畫中的主角”。

姓名:Johanne Joester “Jojo”
高度: 1,65 m
重量: 72 kg

姓名:Kenzaburo Michael Togashi “Ken”
種族: Nekomimi
高度: 1,75 m
重量: 80 kg

Jojo 和 Ken 是我故事中三個主要角色中的兩個,就像 CJ 一樣,他們是 chunnibyos,他們相信自己是 漫畫中的 主角,並夢想著一個與她相同的世界,並期望它由人類居住。    

喬喬 是一個古怪、挑逗、炒作和輕快的少女,她喜歡大腿和大腿 , 她的目標是打破最快截擊的世界紀錄。

 Ken 是一個內向、彬彬有禮、體貼且猶豫不決的十幾歲男孩,他的目標是打破在平坦表面上最快的踏板賽車的世界紀錄。

Original characters from my work "I believe i am the protagonist in a manga".

Name: Johanne Joester "Jojo"
Race: Crow angel
Age: 14
Height: 1,65 m
Weight: 72 kg

Name: Kenzaburo Michael Togashi "Ken"
Race: Nekomimi
Age: 14
Height: 1,75 m
Weight: 80 kg

Jojo and Ken are two of the three main characters in my story, just like CJ they are chunnibyos who believing they are the protagonists in a manga and dreaming of a world which is the same as hers with the expectation that its inhabitated by humans.
The strange thing is that humans are mere fictional beings in her reality.

Jojo is an excentric, teasing, hyped and briskly teen girl with a thigh and ahoge fondness, who aims to break the world record of the fastest volley spike.

Ken is an introverted, courteous, thoughtful and hesitant teen boy who aims to break the world record for the fastest pedalled racing bike on a flat surface.

類別1 Kategorie 1


公開日期 : 5 months ago

更新日期 : 5 months ago

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