5 攝政禮服/禮服 (5 Regency Top/Dress) 5 Regency Top/Dress


  • 136
  • 400 CLIPPY

攝政風格連衣裙/上衣組合,可用作插圖/漫畫的指南 Regency style Dress/Top combo that can be used for as a guide for your illustration/comic

上衣/半身裙組合靈感來自 1920 年代攝政時尚,提供 5 個版本的領口和站立/坐著版本的裙子。

所有檔都有 5 種不同的佈局選項。
Top/Skirt combo inspired by 1920s Regency fashion, offering 5 versions of the neckline and a standing/sitting version of the skirt.
All items are separated, three different files: top, top+skirt, sitting

All files have 5 different layout options.

連衣裙 dress


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 11 months ago

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