只是一個非常有用且用途廣泛的設置:) Just a pretty useful and versatile set up :)
與任何其他工作區一樣,只需在安裝後轉到應用程式頂部的視窗,然後按 workspace,然後上傳它。
Like any other workspaces, just go to your window at the top on the app after installing and press workspace, then upload this.
只是一個非常有用且用途廣泛的設置:) Just a pretty useful and versatile set up :)
與任何其他工作區一樣,只需在安裝後轉到應用程式頂部的視窗,然後按 workspace,然後上傳它。
Like any other workspaces, just go to your window at the top on the app after installing and press workspace, then upload this.