碳帶材料 (Material of a Ribbon) Material of a Ribbon


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  • 20 CLIPPY

絲帶的可愛圖像材料,用於製作背景和裝飾畫筆。 Cute image material of a ribbon, for crafting backgrounds and decorative brushes.

可愛的絲帶圖像材料。下載材料後,您可以訪問下載的材料並使用它。您可以隨意製作裝飾刷,或者 用這種材料製作任何您喜歡的背面。可能是為了畫魔法少女漫畫般的衣服。
Cute ribbon image material. You can acces to downloaded materials once you have dowload it and use it. You can craft decorative brushes at your will, or make a backround with this material whatever you like. Could be for drawing magical girl manga-alike clothes.
A sample of the ribbon:


公開日期 : 10 months ago

更新日期 : 9 months ago

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