表情範本 4x6 (Emote Template 4x6) Emote Template 4x6


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2974x2014px 畫布,解析度為 300 dpi,用於 24 個表情幀,每個幀 440x440 圖元。 2974x2014px canvas at 300 dpi for 24 emote frames of 440x440px each.

以 300 dpi 製作 2974x2014px 畫布。


(2) 點擊 從層次中選擇 > (3) 建立選擇。

(4) 按下 您的表情所在的層次/資料夾。
(5)按住 按Ctrl 鍵盤上的鍵,然後按兩下 框架資料夾。
(6)按Ctrl + C進行複製,確保您的選擇仍以框架的形狀在畫布上。

(8) 點擊“從剪貼板新建”


(9) 隱藏框架圖層和您可能擁有的任何黑底圖層。

然後將您的檔保存為 PNG,您的表情將保存並可供使用!
Make a 2974x2014px canvas at 300 dpi.

To save emotes after drawing, create selection from the frame.

(1) Right click on the frame the emote is on top of.
(2) Click on Selection from Layer > (3) Create Selection.

(4) Click the Layer/Folder your emote is in.
(5) Hold Ctrl Key on your keyboard and click on the Frame folder.
(6) Press Ctrl+C to copy, make sure your selection is still on the canvas in the shape of the frame.

(7) Click on File on the Menu Bar on the top left.
(8) Click on Create New from Clipboard

A new canvas should be created with your Emote and the Frame

(9) Hide the frame layer and any blackground layers you might have.

And then save your file as a PNG, and you will have your emote saved and ready to use!


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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