不透明度素描筆 (Opacity Sketching Pen) Opacity Sketching Pen


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筆壓會影響線條不透明度,而不是粗細。 Pen pressure affects line opacity instead of thickness.

將這支筆與較小的 px 一起使用 適用于具有大量階層式淩 亂的第一遍草圖。



需要很大的壓力才能達到 100% 的不透明度
Using this pen with a smaller px is good for messy first-pass sketching with lots of layering.

Using this pen with a larger px is good for building up shadows in sketches

Smooth lines and consistent width make for a softer lineart. 

Lots of pressure needed to reach 100% opacity


公開日期 : 10 months ago

更新日期 : 10 months ago

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