塗鴉刷!! (scribble brush!!) scribble brush!!


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一個塗鴉的小畫筆,可用於塗鴉和線條藝術! A scribbly little brush that can be used for doodling and lineart!

只是我做的畫筆,可以用於 塗鴉和線條藝術!由於上面的質地,它在某些地方是半透明的,有點鬆脆但仍然光滑,有 傾斜度,非常適合線條藝術!畫筆的外觀基於毛筆的效果 :)

Just a brush that I made, can be used for both doodles and lineart! It is semi-transparent in some places because of the texture on it, a little crunchy but still smooth, has tilt, and very good for lineart! The look of the brush is based off of the effect of brush pens :)


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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artsy-fartsy nerd