土星的色帶 (saturn's color ramps) saturn's color ramps


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我多年來使用的一堆顏色。 A bunch of colors I've used over the years.

我花時間坐下來查看我完成的所有圖元藝術(以及一些常規的數位藝術),並編譯我使用的顏色。  您可以按順序使用它們,也可以混合搭配(非常鼓勵!  我試著選擇我最喜歡的,或者我認為在某種程度上是「成功」的!

您可以將它們用於圖元藝術,也可以將它們用於常規數位藝術。 它大部分是飽和的,因為這是我傾向于喜歡的,但也有一些橋接中性色。  

我建議盡可能多地連接你的調色板,即使是在常規的數位藝術中。 嘗試在不同的區域使用相同的顏色很有趣,它有助於協調調色板。   這只是一個例子:

將冷藍灰色添加到暖灰色陰影中,為陰影增加了一些額外的深度。 我還在翅膀上使用與頭髮相同的顏色進行深色陰影。 最好盡可能多地嘗試,即使它們不成功 - 你最終總會學到一些東西。   :)


I took the time to sit down and look at all the pixel art (and some regular digital art) I've done & compile the colors I've used.  You can use them as they are in order or you can mix and match (very encouraged!).  I tried to take the ones I liked the most, or I thought were "successful" in some way!

You can use them for pixel art or you can use them for regular digital art.  It's mostly saturated since that's what I tend to like, but there's some bridging neutral colors too. 

I suggest trying to connect your palette as much as possible whenever you can, even in regular digital art.  It's fun to try and use the same colors in a different area and it helps harmonize a color palette.  This is just one example:

Adding the cool blue grey to the warmer grey shading adds some extra depth to the shading.  I also used the same colors for dark shading on the wings as I did for the hair.  Best to experiment as much as possible whenever you can, even if they are not successful - you will always end up learning something. :)

Good luck guys, hope you have a nice day!


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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Pixel art lover, game enthusiast, strange artist. I like making brushes because I find it fun! I don't like charging for my stuff unless I put a lot of effort into it, so most of my stuff is free. I just like sharing things with people :D