角色參考表姿勢 (Character Reference Sheet Poses) Character Reference Sheet Poses


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要在角色參考表上使用的一組姿勢。 A set of poses to use on character reference sheets.

一組 2 個姿勢 ,我用於 角色參考表。

下圖顯示了 在模型上繪製的圖紙(非常快速地顯示它們的外觀),但您可以根據需要使用這些圖紙。我通常 將它們用作參考,而不是直接跟蹤模型。

姿勢與任何大小的任何模型相容,並且應與 CSP 1 和 2 相容(這是在 CSP 2 中製作的)。

很抱歉藝術的草率,我再次 快速製作了這個,只是為了展示它的外觀。
A set of 2 poses I use for character reference sheets.

The image below shows drawings made over the models (very quickly just to show how they look) but you may use these how you wish. I typically use them as a reference rather than tracing directly over the models.

Poses are compatible with any model of any size, and should be compatible with CSP 1 as well as 2 (this was made in CSP 2.)

Sorry for the sloppiness of the art, again I made this really quick just to show how it looks.

構成 Poses


公開日期 : 11 months ago

更新日期 : 11 months ago

Shirarisun 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

heya. i'm shira, i use clip studio sometimes (please do not mind my terrible japanese on my materials, i had accidentally used the romanji input on my first attempts and i used a translator program. i had tried to learn more also but wasn't very good at it)