素描鉛筆 (sketch pencil) sketch pencil


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我在製作草圖和粗略線條藝術時經常使用的鉛筆。我還用它來為彩色部分添加紋理和著色。 A pencil I use a lot when making sketches and rough lineart. I also use it for adding texture to colored parts and shading.

有時我用鉛筆 著色  ,使陰影 的邊緣變得粗糙。在主圖像中,我以這種方式使用它。我認為這對孵化等也有好處。

Sometimes I use the pencil for coloring to make the edges of the shading rough. In the main image I used it a lot in that way. I think it's also good for hatching and the likes.


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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