提姆西的雪枝 (Thimsy's Snowy Boughs) Thimsy's Snowy Boughs


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三棵松樹/雪松樹枝上覆蓋著雪。您可以疊加它們,為雪景創建更大的樹枝! Three pine/cedar boughs covered with snow. You can overlay them to create larger boughs for snowy landscapes!

三棵松樹/雪松樹枝被雪壓得很重。您可以疊加它們以創建更大的樹枝,以添加到白雪皚皚的森林景觀中的樹木中。以 600DPI 繪製。

Three pine/cedar boughs heavily weighed down by snow. You can overlay them to create larger boughs to add to trees in a snowy forest landscape. Painted at 600dpi.

雪枝 Snowy Boughs


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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