臀部套裝 (Hip Set) Hip Set


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(注意:我在 4000 解析度的畫布上處理 4000 x 4000 圖元,因此在其他尺寸上看起來可能略有不同)
Hello Gamers!!
This is my first ever set, pls be kind!

Made it with the intention of jsut there being a pen and pencil, but decided to throw in a colour and blend tool too for funsies as a bonus! :]

(NOTE: I work on 4000 x 4000 px on 1200dpi canvases, so it may look a bit different on other sizes)

臀部筆: 最適合用於線條藝術,素描,儲存格陰影和書寫。

臀部鉛筆 1: 最適合用於素描,也許可以用於線條藝術?

臀部鉛筆 2: 最適合用於素描,繪畫,我相信您可以使其與線條藝術一起使用。

臀部顏色: 您的顏色/陰影刷!我不知道該說什麼。你可以用它畫畫嗎?如果你願意,甚至可以做一些很酷的臺詞??

臀部混合: 這是一個攪拌機。

鋼筆的一些例子(??)和我用它們做過的一些工作(沒有機會用臀部顏色和混合 bc 製作完全著色的插圖,忙)
Hip Pen: Best used for Line art, sketching , cell shading and writing.

Hip Pencil 1: Best used for sketching, could be used for line art maybe?

Hip Pencil 2: Best used for sketching, painting, and i believe you can make it work with line art.

Hip Colour: Your Colour/Shade brush! I dont know what to say. you could paint with it? Maybe even do some cool lines if you want??

Hip Blend: Tis a blender.

Some exaples of the pens (??) and some work I've done with them (havent had the chance to make a fully shaded illustration with the Hip Colour and Blend bc, busy)

臀部套裝 Hip Set


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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