勇敢的六角邊緣刷 (Brave's Hex Edge Brush) Brave's Hex Edge Brush


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  • 10 CLIPPY

非常適合繪畫、照明和添加發光的畫筆。 A brush that's great for painting, lighting, and adding glows.



使用 畫筆密度 以及 紋理亮度/對比度 來獲得您想要的感覺。

下面筆觸 的示例圖像為 300DPI,畫筆大小為 150。

Inspired by Jing's Sketch edge brush (and I really needed something like it in CSP lol).
I call it a "hex" because I used a hexagon to make it. :D

One edge is hard, the other a soft fade.
Primarly made for painting, can be used for sketching too.

Play with Brush Density as well as Texture Brightness/Contrast to get your desired feel.

Sample image of strokes below is at 300dpi and the brush size is 150.


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

bravethefog 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi! Others call me "Brave" for short, but I don't refer to myself that way. haha I love making simple, but fun-to-use brushes. Will update art for them as I go but I'm usually a very busy person. >.<