勇敢的三角筆 (Brave's Triangle Pen) Brave's Triangle Pen


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我的三角形尖端非常適合素描、粗畫和線條藝術。 My triangle tip that's good for sketching, rough painting, and line art.


調整 密度 以獲得首選的幹性外觀。
速度 以獲得逼真的外觀,用乾燥的氈尖繪製快速線條。


My triangle brush that looks like a dry fine felt tip.

Adjust density for preferred dry look.
Play with velocity to have the realistic look with drawing quick lines with a dry felt tip.

Below is drawn with the same brush with different adjustments. Enjoy!


公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

bravethefog 的個人檔案 ...查看更多

Hi! Others call me "Brave" for short, but I don't refer to myself that way. haha I love making simple, but fun-to-use brushes. Will update art for them as I go but I'm usually a very busy person. >.<