黃色南瓜刷 (Yellow Pumpkins Brush) Yellow Pumpkins Brush


  • 42
  • 50 CLIPPY


有 18種不同的形狀,我做了 它,這樣南瓜就會進來 隨機順序,可以 水準翻轉以提供更多組合 ,因此 線路每次都不會相同,但您可以將其關閉


我也 增加了散播選項,讓南瓜多變種

要轉 關閉此選項,只需使它們直線出現,只需關閉即可 「噴塗效果」

有 還有隨機多樣化南瓜大小的設置,所以有些人可能會 看起來更小,這樣它們就不一樣了。要關閉此功能,只需取消選中 「隨機」框

An easy, semi-realistic pumpkin brush!

There are 18 different shapes and I made it so that the pumpkins will come in a random order and may flip horizontally to give more combinations so that the line won't be the same each time, but you can turn it off

It can also be used as a stamp

I've also added the option of scattering to make the pumpkins come out with more variety

To turn off this option and just make them come out in a straight line, just turn off "spraying effect"

There's also the setting to diversify the size of the pumpkins randomly so some may look smaller, so that they're not all the same. To turn this off just un-check the "random" box

類別 1 Category 1



公開日期 : 1 year ago

更新日期 : 1 year ago

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