- 成年婦女,彎下腰,嘶吼,一隻手放在腿上。
- 成年男子,向後傾斜,仿佛剛剛被打了一巴掌。
- 十幾歲的男孩,直立在寬闊的姿勢,舉起拳頭(可憐的)戰鬥。
- 十幾歲的女孩,直立,雙臂交叉,直視前方。
- 成年男子坐在壁架上,一隻手放在腦後,另一隻手放在抬起的膝蓋上。
- 成年女性,站得很厲害,一隻手拿著手機遠離耳朵。
These poses are ordered by number and are as follows:
- Adult woman, bent forward, shushing, with one hand on her leg.
- Adult man, leaned backwards as if he has just been slapped.
- Teen boy, upright in in a wide stance, with fists raised (poorly) to fight.
- Teen girl, standing upright, arms crossed, looking straight ahead.
- Adult man sitting on a ledge, one hand behind head, other hand on raised knee.
- Adult woman, standing intensely, one hand holding phone away from ear.
機構 Bodies
構成 Poses