D20_Red_Battleworn (D20_Red_Battleworn) D20_Red_Battleworn


  • 113
  • 10 CLIPPY

一塊久經沙場的20面數學石。它很舊,但它仍然哢噠哢噠。 A battle-worn 20-sided math rock. It old, but it still go click clack.




另請注意: 雖然我需要da clippies,這樣我就可以購買我夢寐以求的數位藝術用品,但我確實有一個非常基本的D20免費提供 - 對於那些像我一樣經常使用clippy資金的人來說,哈哈哈;)

Icosahedron. The 20-sided Math Rock. These math rocks are guided by the arcane powers of whimsy and plot twists. Some Icosahedrons are known for having a bad temper and a dark sense of humour. If you wish to obtain the blessing of an Icosahedron, you should feed it the rememberences of table-snacks and play it soft jazz.

This Math Rock is old and battleworn. It has seen many stories and known many trainers. it will only obey a trainer who has achieved all the gym badges.

Please note: the numbers look kinda funky don't they? It's because they were hand drawn and are NOT a font. This is because the guidelines state that no fonts are allowed in published materials.

Please also note: While I needs da clippies so I can buy the digital art supplies I covet, I do have a really basic D20 available for free - for those who are low on clippy funds like I so often am hahaha ;)

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公開日期 : 2 years ago

更新日期 : 2 years ago

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